Jujube or Chinese date or red date is a member of the buckthorn family Rhamnaceae. This medium-sized fruit is an edible oval drupe with a taste similar to an apple but less acidic. Immature jujube is smooth green fruit and changes into various colors while maturing from brown to purplish-black with wrinkled skin like a small date. It is a popular harvest in China, Europe, and Asian countries.
The immature, as well as dried jujube, is a popular snack in many countries. Jujube fruits are available in different varieties, including Li, Lang, Ta Jan, and Honey Jar. Jujube fruit is popular globally because of its countless health benefits.
Health benefits of jujube
- Jujube fruit is rich in many nutrients and fibers. It is low in calories. Daily consumption of it fulfills our nutrients necessity. It also reduces blood glucose levels and reduces additional weight gain around our belly. Fibers also improve our gut health and improve inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) condition.
- Jujube fruits have a high content of vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, and C. These vitamins have a fair share in our health benefits. Vitamin B complex is good for our brain and mental health.
- Flavonoid kaempferol 3-O-rutinoside in jujube fruit protects neural cells from oxidative stress and various neurological degenerative diseases. Jujube fruit has anti-depressant and neuro-protective action.
- Jujube contains a high amount of potassium which helps in vasodilation and maintains blood pressure optimally.
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